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$('html').removeClass('loadingz'); } else { alert("您已成功取消本次交易。"); location.replace("index.aspx"); } }, "json"); } } return false; }); //登出 $(".oBtn").click(function () { var url = $(this).data("href"); $('html').addClass('loadingz'); $.post("api/ajax_preorder.ashx", { mode: "O", uo: $("input[name=uo]").val() }, function (data) { if (data.status < 0) { alert(data.message); $('html').removeClass('loadingz'); } else { location.replace(url); } }, "json"); return false; }); } //取消 pop if (id('pBtn')) { //$("#pBtn").click(function () { // $("#cancel-order").modal(); // return false; //}); } //取消(登出) if (id('oBtn')) { $("#oBtn").click(function () { var url = $(this).data("href"); $('html').addClass('loadingz'); $.post("api/ajax_preorder.ashx", { mode: "O", uo: $("input[name=uo]").val() }, function (data) { if (data.status < 0) { alert(data.message); $('html').removeClass('loadingz'); } else { location.replace(url); } }, "json"); return false; }); } //檢查格式 function checkFormat() { var message = ''; $('input[data-validate],textarea[data-validate]').each(function (index, element) { // new RegExp('ab+c', 'i'); var regexp = new RegExp($(element).data('validate'), 'i'); var value = $(element).val(); if (value != '') { if (!regexp.test(value)) { message = fields[element.name] + '的格式不正確,請重新輸入'; return false; } } }); if (message !== '') { alert(message); message = ''; return false; } else { return true; } } //檢查未填的欄位 function checkEmpty() { var flag = true; var obj = '', message = ''; $('input[required]:not([type=radio]):not([type=checkbox]),select[required],textarea[required]').each(function (index, element) { if ($(element).val() === '') { if (element.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'select') { if ($(element).data("f") !== undefined) { message = '請選擇' + $(element).data("f"); } else { message = '請選擇' + fields[element.name]; } } else { if (fields[element.name] === undefined) { message = '請填寫' + $(element).attr("placeholder"); } else { message = '請填寫' + fields[element.name]; } } obj = element.name; flag = false; return false; } }); if (flag) { $('[type=radio][required],[type=checkbox][required]').each(function (index, element) { var group = $(element).attr('name'); if ($('[name=' + group + ']:checked').length === 0) { message = '請確實選擇:' + fields[group]; obj = group; } }); } if (message !== '') { //console.log(message); alert(message); $("[name=" + obj + "]").focus(); message = ''; return false; } else { return true; } } }); // 更換圖檔名稱 function replacePhoto(newPath) { $(".slide .slide-move img").each(function () { var newSrc = $(this).attr('src').replace(/_[a-d]{1}_/, newPath); $(this).attr('src', newSrc); //console.log($(this).attr('src')); }); $('.preview img').attr('src', $('.preview img').attr('src').replace(/_[a-d]{1}_/, newPath)); } //----------------------------必備--------------------------------------------------------------------- function id(DOM) { return document.getElementById(DOM); } function className(DOM) { return document.getElementsByClassName(DOM); } function getParam(name, dvalue) { var AllVars = window.location.search.substring(1); var Vars = AllVars.split("&"); for (i = 0; i < Vars.length; i++) { var Var = Vars[i].split("="); if (Var[0] === name) return Var[1]; } return dvalue; } function trims(s) { return s.replace(/(^[\s]*)|([\s]*$)/g, ""); } //----------------------------驗證--------------------------------------------------------------------- function isChinese(s) { //var patrn = /^[\u4E00-\u9FA5\uF900-\uFA2D]{1,4}$/; //return patrn.test(s); if (s.length < 2) { return false; } else { return true; } } /*! * Datepicker for Bootstrap v1.8.0 (https://github.com/uxsolutions/bootstrap-datepicker) * * Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) */ ! function (a) { "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], a) : a("object" == typeof exports ? require("jquery") : jQuery) }(function (a, b) { function c() { return new Date(Date.UTC.apply(Date, arguments)) } function d() { var a = new Date; return c(a.getFullYear(), a.getMonth(), a.getDate()) } function e(a, b) { return a.getUTCFullYear() === b.getUTCFullYear() && a.getUTCMonth() === b.getUTCMonth() && a.getUTCDate() === b.getUTCDate() } function f(c, d) { return function () { return d !== b && a.fn.datepicker.deprecated(d), this[c].apply(this, arguments) } } function g(a) { return a && !isNaN(a.getTime()) } function h(b, c) { function d(a, b) { return b.toLowerCase() } var e, f = a(b).data(), g = {}, h = new RegExp("^" + c.toLowerCase() + "([A-Z])"); c = new RegExp("^" + c.toLowerCase()); for (var i in f) c.test(i) && (e = i.replace(h, d), g[e] = f[i]); return g } function i(b) { var c = {}; if (q[b] || (b = b.split("-")[0], q[b])) { var d = q[b]; return a.each(p, function (a, b) { b in d && (c[b] = d[b]) }), c } } var j = function () { var b = { get: function (a) { return this.slice(a)[0] }, contains: function (a) { for (var b = a && a.valueOf(), c = 0, d = this.length; c < d; c++) if (0 <= this[c].valueOf() - b && this[c].valueOf() - b < 864e5) return c; return -1 }, remove: function (a) { this.splice(a, 1) }, replace: function (b) { b && (a.isArray(b) || (b = [b]), this.clear(), this.push.apply(this, b)) }, clear: function () { this.length = 0 }, copy: function () { var a = new j; return a.replace(this), a } }; return function () { var c = []; return c.push.apply(c, arguments), a.extend(c, b), c } }(), k = function (b, c) { a.data(b, "datepicker", this), this._process_options(c), this.dates = new j, this.viewDate = this.o.defaultViewDate, this.focusDate = null, this.element = a(b), this.isInput = this.element.is("input"), this.inputField = this.isInput ? this.element : this.element.find("input"), this.component = !!this.element.hasClass("date") && this.element.find(".add-on, .input-group-addon, .btn"), this.component && 0 === this.component.length && (this.component = !1), this.isInline = !this.component && this.element.is("div"), this.picker = a(r.template), this._check_template(this.o.templates.leftArrow) && this.picker.find(".prev").html(this.o.templates.leftArrow), this._check_template(this.o.templates.rightArrow) && this.picker.find(".next").html(this.o.templates.rightArrow), this._buildEvents(), this._attachEvents(), this.isInline ? this.picker.addClass("datepicker-inline").appendTo(this.element) : this.picker.addClass("datepicker-dropdown dropdown-menu"), this.o.rtl && this.picker.addClass("datepicker-rtl"), this.o.calendarWeeks && this.picker.find(".datepicker-days .datepicker-switch, thead .datepicker-title, tfoot .today, tfoot .clear").attr("colspan", function (a, b) { return Number(b) + 1 }), this._process_options({ startDate: this._o.startDate, endDate: this._o.endDate, daysOfWeekDisabled: this.o.daysOfWeekDisabled, daysOfWeekHighlighted: this.o.daysOfWeekHighlighted, datesDisabled: this.o.datesDisabled }), this._allow_update = !1, this.setViewMode(this.o.startView), this._allow_update = !0, this.fillDow(), this.fillMonths(), this.update(), this.isInline && this.show() }; k.prototype = { constructor: k, _resolveViewName: function (b) { return a.each(r.viewModes, function (c, d) { if (b === c || a.inArray(b, d.names) !== -1) return b = c, !1 }), b }, _resolveDaysOfWeek: function (b) { return a.isArray(b) || (b = b.split(/[,\s]*/)), a.map(b, Number) }, _check_template: function (c) { try { if (c === b || "" === c) return !1; if ((c.match(/[<>]/g) || []).length <= 0) return !0; var d = a(c); return d.length > 0 } catch (a) { return !1 } }, _process_options: function (b) { this._o = a.extend({}, this._o, b); var e = this.o = a.extend({}, this._o), f = e.language; q[f] || (f = f.split("-")[0], q[f] || (f = o.language)), e.language = f, e.startView = this._resolveViewName(e.startView), e.minViewMode = this._resolveViewName(e.minViewMode), e.maxViewMode = this._resolveViewName(e.maxViewMode), e.startView = Math.max(this.o.minViewMode, Math.min(this.o.maxViewMode, e.startView)), e.multidate !== !0 && (e.multidate = Number(e.multidate) || !1, e.multidate !== !1 && (e.multidate = Math.max(0, e.multidate))), e.multidateSeparator = String(e.multidateSeparator), e.weekStart %= 7, e.weekEnd = (e.weekStart + 6) % 7; var g = r.parseFormat(e.format); e.startDate !== -(1 / 0) && (e.startDate ? e.startDate instanceof Date ? e.startDate = this._local_to_utc(this._zero_time(e.startDate)) : e.startDate = r.parseDate(e.startDate, g, e.language, e.assumeNearbyYear) : e.startDate = -(1 / 0)), e.endDate !== 1 / 0 && (e.endDate ? e.endDate instanceof Date ? e.endDate = this._local_to_utc(this._zero_time(e.endDate)) : e.endDate = r.parseDate(e.endDate, g, e.language, e.assumeNearbyYear) : e.endDate = 1 / 0), e.daysOfWeekDisabled = this._resolveDaysOfWeek(e.daysOfWeekDisabled || []), e.daysOfWeekHighlighted = this._resolveDaysOfWeek(e.daysOfWeekHighlighted || []), e.datesDisabled = e.datesDisabled || [], a.isArray(e.datesDisabled) || (e.datesDisabled = e.datesDisabled.split(",")), e.datesDisabled = a.map(e.datesDisabled, function (a) { return r.parseDate(a, g, e.language, e.assumeNearbyYear) }); var h = String(e.orientation).toLowerCase().split(/\s+/g), i = e.orientation.toLowerCase(); if (h = a.grep(h, function (a) { return /^auto|left|right|top|bottom$/.test(a) }), e.orientation = { x: "auto", y: "auto" }, i && "auto" !== i) if (1 === h.length) switch (h[0]) { case "top": case "bottom": e.orientation.y = h[0]; break; case "left": case "right": e.orientation.x = h[0] } else i = a.grep(h, function (a) { return /^left|right$/.test(a) }), e.orientation.x = i[0] || "auto", i = a.grep(h, function (a) { return /^top|bottom$/.test(a) }), e.orientation.y = i[0] || "auto"; else; if (e.defaultViewDate instanceof Date || "string" == typeof e.defaultViewDate) e.defaultViewDate = r.parseDate(e.defaultViewDate, g, e.language, e.assumeNearbyYear); else if (e.defaultViewDate) { var j = e.defaultViewDate.year || (new Date).getFullYear(), k = e.defaultViewDate.month || 0, l = e.defaultViewDate.day || 1; e.defaultViewDate = c(j, k, l) } else e.defaultViewDate = d() }, _events: [], _secondaryEvents: [], _applyEvents: function (a) { for (var c, d, e, f = 0; f < a.length; f++) c = a[f][0], 2 === a[f].length ? (d = b, e = a[f][1]) : 3 === a[f].length && (d = a[f][1], e = a[f][2]), c.on(e, d) }, _unapplyEvents: function (a) { for (var c, d, e, f = 0; f < a.length; f++) c = a[f][0], 2 === a[f].length ? (e = b, d = a[f][1]) : 3 === a[f].length && (e = a[f][1], d = a[f][2]), c.off(d, e) }, _buildEvents: function () { var b = { keyup: a.proxy(function (b) { a.inArray(b.keyCode, [27, 37, 39, 38, 40, 32, 13, 9]) === -1 && this.update() }, this), keydown: a.proxy(this.keydown, this), paste: a.proxy(this.paste, this) }; this.o.showOnFocus === !0 && (b.focus = a.proxy(this.show, this)), this.isInput ? this._events = [ [this.element, b] ] : this.component && this.inputField.length ? this._events = [ [this.inputField, b], [this.component, { click: a.proxy(this.show, this) }] ] : this._events = [ [this.element, { click: a.proxy(this.show, this), keydown: a.proxy(this.keydown, this) }] ], this._events.push([this.element, "*", { blur: a.proxy(function (a) { this._focused_from = a.target }, this) }], [this.element, { blur: a.proxy(function (a) { this._focused_from = a.target }, this) }]), this.o.immediateUpdates && this._events.push([this.element, { "changeYear changeMonth": a.proxy(function (a) { this.update(a.date) }, this) }]), this._secondaryEvents = [ [this.picker, { click: a.proxy(this.click, this) }], [this.picker, ".prev, .next", { click: a.proxy(this.navArrowsClick, this) }], [this.picker, ".day:not(.disabled)", { click: a.proxy(this.dayCellClick, this) }], [a(window), { resize: a.proxy(this.place, this) }], [a(document), { "mousedown touchstart": a.proxy(function (a) { this.element.is(a.target) || this.element.find(a.target).length || this.picker.is(a.target) || this.picker.find(a.target).length || this.isInline || this.hide() }, this) }] ] }, _attachEvents: function () { this._detachEvents(), this._applyEvents(this._events) }, _detachEvents: function () { this._unapplyEvents(this._events) }, _attachSecondaryEvents: function () { this._detachSecondaryEvents(), this._applyEvents(this._secondaryEvents) }, _detachSecondaryEvents: function () { this._unapplyEvents(this._secondaryEvents) }, _trigger: function (b, c) { var d = c || this.dates.get(-1), e = this._utc_to_local(d); this.element.trigger({ type: b, date: e, viewMode: this.viewMode, dates: a.map(this.dates, this._utc_to_local), format: a.proxy(function (a, b) { 0 === arguments.length ? (a = this.dates.length - 1, b = this.o.format) : "string" == typeof a && (b = a, a = this.dates.length - 1), b = b || this.o.format; var c = this.dates.get(a); return r.formatDate(c, b, this.o.language) }, this) }) }, show: function () { if (!(this.inputField.prop("disabled") || this.inputField.prop("readonly") && this.o.enableOnReadonly === !1)) return this.isInline || this.picker.appendTo(this.o.container), this.place(), this.picker.show(), this._attachSecondaryEvents(), this._trigger("show"), (window.navigator.msMaxTouchPoints || "ontouchstart" in document) && this.o.disableTouchKeyboard && a(this.element).blur(), this }, hide: function () { return this.isInline || !this.picker.is(":visible") ? this : (this.focusDate = null, this.picker.hide().detach(), this._detachSecondaryEvents(), this.setViewMode(this.o.startView), this.o.forceParse && this.inputField.val() && this.setValue(), this._trigger("hide"), this) }, destroy: function () { return this.hide(), this._detachEvents(), this._detachSecondaryEvents(), this.picker.remove(), delete this.element.data().datepicker, this.isInput || delete this.element.data().date, this }, paste: function (b) { var c; if (b.originalEvent.clipboardData && b.originalEvent.clipboardData.types && a.inArray("text/plain", b.originalEvent.clipboardData.types) !== -1) c = b.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData("text/plain"); else { if (!window.clipboardData) return; c = window.clipboardData.getData("Text") } this.setDate(c), this.update(), b.preventDefault() }, _utc_to_local: function (a) { if (!a) return a; var b = new Date(a.getTime() + 6e4 * a.getTimezoneOffset()); return b.getTimezoneOffset() !== a.getTimezoneOffset() && (b = new Date(a.getTime() + 6e4 * b.getTimezoneOffset())), b }, _local_to_utc: function (a) { return a && new Date(a.getTime() - 6e4 * a.getTimezoneOffset()) }, _zero_time: function (a) { return a && new Date(a.getFullYear(), a.getMonth(), a.getDate()) }, _zero_utc_time: function (a) { return a && c(a.getUTCFullYear(), a.getUTCMonth(), a.getUTCDate()) }, getDates: function () { return a.map(this.dates, this._utc_to_local) }, getUTCDates: function () { return a.map(this.dates, function (a) { return new Date(a) }) }, getDate: function () { return this._utc_to_local(this.getUTCDate()) }, getUTCDate: function () { var a = this.dates.get(-1); return a !== b ? new Date(a) : null }, clearDates: function () { this.inputField.val(""), this.update(), this._trigger("changeDate"), this.o.autoclose && this.hide() }, setDates: function () { var b = a.isArray(arguments[0]) ? arguments[0] : arguments; return this.update.apply(this, b), this._trigger("changeDate"), this.setValue(), this }, setUTCDates: function () { var b = a.isArray(arguments[0]) ? arguments[0] : arguments; return this.setDates.apply(this, a.map(b, this._utc_to_local)), this }, setDate: f("setDates"), setUTCDate: f("setUTCDates"), remove: f("destroy", "Method `remove` is deprecated and will be removed in version 2.0. Use `destroy` instead"), setValue: function () { var a = this.getFormattedDate(); return this.inputField.val(a), this }, getFormattedDate: function (c) { c === b && (c = this.o.format); var d = this.o.language; return a.map(this.dates, function (a) { return r.formatDate(a, c, d) }).join(this.o.multidateSeparator) }, getStartDate: function () { return this.o.startDate }, setStartDate: function (a) { return this._process_options({ startDate: a }), this.update(), this.updateNavArrows(), this }, getEndDate: function () { return this.o.endDate }, setEndDate: function (a) { return this._process_options({ endDate: a }), this.update(), this.updateNavArrows(), this }, setDaysOfWeekDisabled: function (a) { return this._process_options({ daysOfWeekDisabled: a }), this.update(), this }, setDaysOfWeekHighlighted: function (a) { return this._process_options({ daysOfWeekHighlighted: a }), this.update(), this }, setDatesDisabled: function (a) { return this._process_options({ datesDisabled: a }), this.update(), this }, place: function () { if (this.isInline) return this; var b = this.picker.outerWidth(), c = this.picker.outerHeight(), d = 10, e = a(this.o.container), f = e.width(), g = "body" === this.o.container ? a(document).scrollTop() : e.scrollTop(), h = e.offset(), i = [0]; this.element.parents().each(function () { var b = a(this).css("z-index"); "auto" !== b && 0 !== Number(b) && i.push(Number(b)) }); var j = Math.max.apply(Math, i) + this.o.zIndexOffset, k = this.component ? this.component.parent().offset() : this.element.offset(), l = this.component ? this.component.outerHeight(!0) : this.element.outerHeight(!1), m = this.component ? this.component.outerWidth(!0) : this.element.outerWidth(!1), n = k.left - h.left, o = k.top - h.top; "body" !== this.o.container && (o += g), this.picker.removeClass("datepicker-orient-top datepicker-orient-bottom datepicker-orient-right datepicker-orient-left"), "auto" !== this.o.orientation.x ? (this.picker.addClass("datepicker-orient-" + this.o.orientation.x), "right" === this.o.orientation.x && (n -= b - m)) : k.left < 0 ? (this.picker.addClass("datepicker-orient-left"), n -= k.left - d) : n + b > f ? (this.picker.addClass("datepicker-orient-right"), n += m - b) : this.o.rtl ? this.picker.addClass("datepicker-orient-right") : this.picker.addClass("datepicker-orient-left"); var p, q = this.o.orientation.y; if ("auto" === q && (p = -g + o - c, q = p < 0 ? "bottom" : "top"), this.picker.addClass("datepicker-orient-" + q), "top" === q ? o -= c + parseInt(this.picker.css("padding-top")) : o += l, this.o.rtl) { var r = f - (n + m); this.picker.css({ top: o, right: r, zIndex: j }) } else this.picker.css({ top: o, left: n, zIndex: j }); return this }, _allow_update: !0, update: function () { if (!this._allow_update) return this; var b = this.dates.copy(), c = [], d = !1; return arguments.length ? (a.each(arguments, a.proxy(function (a, b) { b instanceof Date && (b = this._local_to_utc(b)), c.push(b) }, this)), d = !0) : (c = this.isInput ? this.element.val() : this.element.data("date") || this.inputField.val(), c = c && this.o.multidate ? c.split(this.o.multidateSeparator) : [c], delete this.element.data().date), c = a.map(c, a.proxy(function (a) { return r.parseDate(a, this.o.format, this.o.language, this.o.assumeNearbyYear) }, this)), c = a.grep(c, a.proxy(function (a) { return !this.dateWithinRange(a) || !a }, this), !0), this.dates.replace(c), this.o.updateViewDate && (this.dates.length ? this.viewDate = new Date(this.dates.get(-1)) : this.viewDate < this.o.startDate ? this.viewDate = new Date(this.o.startDate) : this.viewDate > this.o.endDate ? this.viewDate = new Date(this.o.endDate) : this.viewDate = this.o.defaultViewDate), d ? (this.setValue(), this.element.change()) : this.dates.length && String(b) !== String(this.dates) && d && (this._trigger("changeDate"), this.element.change()), !this.dates.length && b.length && (this._trigger("clearDate"), this.element.change()), this.fill(), this }, fillDow: function () { if (this.o.showWeekDays) { var b = this.o.weekStart, c = "